You are what you eat — and you could be eating better

Part two of my report on the National Geographic Greendex environmental survey focuses on food and — surprise, surprise — Americans are lousy eaters when it comes to saving the planet. Check out my story, Global Survey Says We’re Eating Better, But Our Diet Is Still Unsustainable, to see which country has the most green eaters.

Not everyone finds it easy to be green

National Geographic asked me to take their ginormous Greendex environmental survey and boil it down to its essence. So here’s what I came up with: 8 Surprising, Depressing, and Hopeful Findings From Global Survey of Environmental Attitudes. Check it out, and also take the Greendex calculator and the knowledge quiz to see where you stack up.

Old MacDonald is getting older

Those of you who know me know that I love to report in the field. Or, in this case, an orchard. I am so glad that National Geographic sent me  — and one of their amazing photographers — to gorgeous northern lower Michigan to report this story that should be of interest to all who eat food (or at least cherry pie). Check out my latest, American Farmers Are Growing Old, With Spiraling Costs Keeping Out Young.